PTA Association Meeting - all members welcome!


Join us in the library for light refreshments and learn all about the exciting programs and enrichment coming soon at Beacon Park School!

Proposed amendments to bylaws (to be voted on at our meeting on 2/28/23):

1. (Article VI, Section 4 / Standing Rule #6): Change authorized signers to:
- President
- Treasurer
- First vice president

2. (Article VII, Section 8 / Article VIII, Section 8 / Standing Rule #15): Allow meeting via
teleconferencing for:
- Association meetings
- Executive Board meetings
- Committee meetings

3. (Standing Rule #5): Change vice presidents to:
- First vice president: Membership
- Second vice president: Fundraising
- Third vice president: Volunteers

4. (Standing Rule #6): Change Association meeting dates and months to:
- The fourth Tuesday of September, October, November, January, February,
March, and May

5. (Standing Rule #10): Change Executive Board meeting date to:
- The second Tuesday of each month during the school year

6. (Standing Rule #17): Include standing committees:
- Programs
- Communications
- Middle School

Tuesday, February 28, 2023 7:00pm – 8:00pm

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